Tuesday, November 18, 2008

We the peaple (part 2)

The original preamble of the constitution dint had the words ‘socialist’ and ‘secular.’ It’s obvious that Dr. Ambedkar and the constitution committee had wanted India to be a ‘SOVERIEGN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC’

And their first priority was to achieve ‘social, economical and, political justice’ to all its citizens.

I was quite surprised for not finding the word ‘socialist’ in the original preamble.

Even after 60 years of independence, caste is a major issue for majority of Indians.

Hinduism had divided the society in to four major groups depending on their nature of work. Who ever resorts to religious activities was referred to as “Brahmin”. A person who indulges in business was referred to as a “Vaishya “. Like wise there were “Kshtriya”, and “Shudra”.

Unfortunately (because of hereditary choice of pursuing the father’s work) the groups became the cast and each cast gave birth to numerous sub castes.

The ‘Shudras’ were the most neglected and brutally treated bunch of the society. For centuries they were kept out of the main stream. They were denied even the basic facilities such as water, drainage etc.

Untouchable practice was on its peak in 20th century. Indian leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Ambedkar and others were fighting the British and, the untouchable practice of the society simultaneously.

The society had not accepted the ‘shudras’ whole heartedly even at the time of Independence. Dr. Ambedkar had the first hand experience of the brutality of the so called upper cast towards this group of society.

So to achieve the ‘social, economical and, political justice to all’ the constitution drafting committee directed the state to promote with ‘special care’ the educational and economical interests of the weaker section of the society. Open-mouthed

It is this part of the constitution which is widely being misused by the government and us. In fact when Baba sahib suggested reservations, he was very particular about the duration. He knew that the prolonged reservations could handicap the community.

But, strangely at present every community wants to identify itself as backward. We are ready to agitate (and almost every time the agitation turns violent and ends in rapes and murders) to be listed in the backward list.

To increase their vote bank, the political parties finds one or the other way (to escape from the hands of the Supreme Court) and, announce the agitating community as backward.

This is another example of how a noble idea of social justice can be misused.

Social justice is long forgotten.

In 60 years, our governments have brought 50% of Indians backwards and, we are proud to be labeled as backward community!SadSick

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